Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
ISSN: 1303 - 2968   
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
©Journal of Sports Science and Medicine ( ) 03 , 104

Book review
Editors: Mike Hughes and Ian M. Franks
Bibliographic:  ISBN: 0415290058, Routledge Publishing (an imprint of Taylor & Francis Books Lt), 2004, £30.00, 304 pages, paper back.
Subjects:  Coaching, Exercise Physiology, Sports Science.
Reviewed by: Fadil Ozyener MD, PhD, Uludag University Medical School, Bursa, Turkey
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This book addresses and appropriately explains the notational analysis of technique, tactics, individual athlete/team exercise and work-rate in sport. The book offers guidance in: developing a system, analyzes of data, effective coaching using notational performance analysis and modeling sport behaviors. It updates and improves the 1997 edition.
The aim is to provide a prepared manual on notational analysis in general for coaches and sport scientists. Thus, the professionals in this field would gather objective data on the performance of athletes and the team, which in turn could be used by coaches and athletes to learn more about performance as a whole and gain a competitive advantage as a result. The book efficiently meets these praiseworthy objectives.
The book is targeted the athlete, the coach, the sports scientist professional (sports physician, exercise physiologist, etc) or any sport conscious person who wishes to analyze relevant exercise performance in any sport. The editors and the contributors are authorities in their respective fields and this update depend on their experience and knowledge accumulated over the years.
The book demonstrates how a notation system can be established to produce data to analyze and improve performance in a wide range of sports. It is composed of 13 chapters which presents the information within in an order that is considered logical and progressive like most texts. On the other hand, the editors recognize the fact that at times certain sections will be needed to be used for immediate practical requirements. Therefore, the authors have advised at the start of each chapter on how to use that chapter and also which chapters, if any, require reading and understanding beforehand. I find this approach extremely helpful enabling the reader to achieve his/her goal more effectively in buying the book and secures the authors to accomplish their objective as well.
The authors have assembled a new edition that is necessary and essential reading for all who are interested in understanding and doing better coaching and improving the performance in sport. To this purpose, there is a strong practical approach in the book by giving plenty of examples along with a satisfactory scientific analysis of the subject area. It is concise and well organized in its presentation, creating an effective textbook. I believe, therefore, the book will serve as a first-rate teaching tool and reference for coaches, athletes, graduate students and professionals in the human performance sciences. I enjoyed reviewing the book and considered it as a welcome addition to my library.
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